The free timetable app of the Greater Nuremberg Transport Network (VGN).VGN timetable & tickets: Your free app for the Greater Nuremberg Transport Ass
The free timetable app of the Greater Nuremberg Transport Network (VGN).
VGN timetable & tickets: Your free app for the Greater Nuremberg Transport Association (VGN)
Whether S-Bahn, R-Bahn, subway, tram or bus – with the VGN timetable & tickets app you always have the perfect companion at your side in Nuremberg and the region. Get connection information, current departure times and information about track changes quickly and easily. Thanks to real-time information, you always stay up to date, even in the event of short-term changes or disruptions. Even by car or bicycle, you can navigate optimally through the P+R route guidance and bicycle routes.
Accessibility options are integrated into our timetable information. This means that common obstacles such as stairs or non-accessible vehicles can be avoided. (subject to available vehicle information)
Design the app according to your personal preferences. Use dark mode or light mode for optimal viewing comfort, customize the bottom menu bar and configure the settings to display delays.
Core functions
- Live information with real-time data
- Door-to-door connections
- Route planning with P+R parking spaces
- Display of occupancy of the P+R parking spaces
- Update trip details while driving
- Quick access to the current ticket
- Departures from any stop
- Price and tariff information
- Ticket purchase
- Interactive map
- Current information about timetable changes
- Easy to enter start and destination: Use stops, addresses, important points or your current position. Even choose contacts as a start or destination.
- Share and save connection
Privacy and permissions: The app requires access to contacts only for address selection. Your data remains secure and is only used for information purposes. Access to photos, media and files is only used for card data storage.
Internet connection and location function: An internet connection is required for full functionality and ticket purchasing. The location function helps to automatically select nearby stops.
Contact & Support: If you have any questions or feedback, our support team is available 24/7. Write us your message to: [email protected]
All details and information provided without guarantee.